جريدة عالم السياحة والاقتصاد، تهتم بصناعة السياحة باطيافها ، الشؤون الاقتصادية والبيئة والسياحة الدينية والمغامرة والسفر والطيران والضيافة

جمعية السياحة الوافدة JITOA

Our Mission
JITOA raising standards focus on three major pillars; the Professional conduct of JITOA members with all stakeholders, acting as a major player in the decision making process in tourism, and being the reliable reference for the inbound industry in Jordan.
The mission of an organization is the reason for its existence. It is why the organization was established in the first place. JITOA firmly believes, as stated in its Core Values that the ever shining guiding star of all its activities is its Mission. In “raising the standard” JITOA believes it will be able to realize its core values and through the performance of its Board, staff and members collectively will be able to reflect a standard of excellence that will result in fulfilling its mission.
According to the National Tourism Strategy 2004 – 2010, the tourism sector accounted for 534 Million JD of the Jordanian GDP in the early 21st Century. For this number to increase many folds, JITOA firmly holds sacred that the industry standard has to be raised to a level that will result in global acceptance of Jordan as a destination of choice. JITOA realizes that such a strong core value is never quantifiable or reachable as all core values are. However, it stems from inside JITOA and reflects what it believes to be the central non changing tenet that JITOA will always adhere to.
JITOA believes that such a core value will always be the non variable basis for its work and should result, if adhered to, in increasing many folds the contribution of the inbound tourism industry to the Jordanian GDP and thus the quality of life of the Jordanian society.
Our Vision
JITOA holds firm that only through the development of a standard of excellence against whic h its members will be certified and thus hold the “Mark of Excellence”, will it be able to raise the standard and contribute more eff ectively to the Jordanian GDP. This Vision is a bold statement that will excite JITOA, as an organization, and will reflect what it sees to be the future. This standard of Excellence should have a sphere of effect that transcends JITOA.
All stakeholders who deal with JITOA members will also have to adhere to this standard of Excellence. Accordingly, a culture of excellence in Inbound Tourism will be developed through the coming years and will be reflected in the Cluster that will identify the Inbound Tourism Sector in Jordan